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Among the books I'm planning,
I've taken the photos for a book
about the rain forest for elementary grade levels.

Look for it sometime after 2004.
Meanwhile, watch for the critters on this page.
There are five of them crawling everywhere.

This book will not be a journal, but I always make notes when on a photographic book expedition. Here's an entry.

Tuesday, March 17, 1998

Got off to a late start, picking up Lester, the assistant guide, on the way to the forest. Met Rhikkie, my guide, at 10:30 a.m. and by 11:00 we were off. Hiked for most of the day, and on the way I shot some stream and waterfall water photos. Then climbed at least a 1,000-2,000 feet vertical ascent to the top of Parrot Hill where I climbed an 80-foot tree to photograph the top of the canopy. Quite beautiful, and quite an experience. Some shots of the small leaves at the top of the canopy, views of the distant canopy, and even an author shot. Overall, much work for very little in the way of few photographs. But climbing the tree was an experience I shall never forget.

Parrots came out at last light to roost high above around us as we ate dinner at the research station. Walked back through the forest in the dark and noted the great amount of fireflies, and that their light stays on much longer than ours in Maine. Many sounds here in the wild including tree frogs and insects.

I shot the book in the rain forest on the Caribbean island of St. Lucia. Thirteen percent of the island is rain forest. This is the only place in the world where the St. Lucia parrot is found. Yes, it will be in my book, though my book on the rain forest, unlike many others, will focus more on the rain forest than the animals of the forest.
St. Lucia
Hi to Mrs. Mary Major's Class in Shamokin, Pennsylvania. Good luck with your rain forest studies.
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