Jelly Beans for Sale (book cover)

Jelly Beans for Sale

Hardcover: Not available
is available
to educators and schools as a quality trade paperback from Scholastic, and will also be added to Scholastic's See Saw Book Club in March 2006. The Book Club edition is ISBN 0-590-86596-X. Call the warehouse ordering line at 573-632-1800 and push "1" for customer service.

Bruce's Thirty-sixth Book
1996 - Scholastic
Hardcover ISBN 0-590-86584-6
Softcover Book Club
SBN 0-590-86596-X
"Yum! A best buy."
School Library Journal, October 1996
Personal Note & Links
Awards and Honors

"Another winner."

Booklist, September 1, 1996

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Awards and Honors

American Library Association Notable Book, 1997
Click for ALA List of 1997 Notables

New York Public Library's 100 Best Books for Reading and Sharing, 1996

Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best, 1996
Captivating photos plus an introduction to coin values and simple addition make this a winner for use with young children

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Personal Note

I'm a fan of the Jelly Belly jelly beans because they use natural ingredients and flavors. They taste the best.

When I contacted various companies to provide beans to photograph the Jelly Belly company was not only the most gracious but also the most helpful. When the delivery truck arrived it backed up to my door. The drivers only do that when delivering many boxes. In this case it was boxes and boxes of jelly beans. Yum. The kids and I had a great time when we were taking pictures. Can you guess what we snacked on?

I'm at the printing plant with the art director, Claire Counihan, to approve the colors while the printing press is being set up and adjusted.

Here are some neat links

Changemaker Game

Jelly Belly factory tour

Jelly Belly home page

Estimating with Jelly Beans

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One for a penny.
Ten for a dime.
Count them and buy them.
You'll have a good time!

This mouthwatering introduction to the basic units of money uses tempting jellybeans and a simple progression of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) to inspire young readers to learn the value of money. Math has never been more fun - or more delicious!

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School Library Journal
October 1996

"Yum!… a best buy."

McMillan, Bruce. Jellybeans for Sale. photos. by author. unpaged. CIP Scholastic 1996. RTE $15.95. ISBN 590-86584-6. LC 95-25864.

Gr 1-2 - Yum! Brilliantly colored jelly beans selling for a penny apiece provide the scheme for McMillan's wonderfully clever concept book about money. Beginning with monetary values and clear photos of pennies, nickels, dimes. and quarters, the book follows a happy group of kids across full-color pages as they buy these delectable treats. "1¢=1 jelly bean" features one penny offered for one red candy and a child dressed in a red shirt eating the same. Even the photographed border is a close-up of jelly beans. The transactions become more involved with five pennies, one nickel, two nickels, one dime so forth. Each double page spread highlights different coins, different colored beans, and kids in coordinated shirts. More closely related to curriculum needs than Barbara Barbieri McGrath's The M & M Counting Book (Charlesbridge. 1994) and more fun than Tana Hoban's 26 Letters and 99 Cents (Greenwillow, 1987), Jelly Beans adds up to a best buy. An excellent math concept book from an author/illustrator with an eye for color, children, and counting. - Beth Tegart, Oneida City Schools, NY

This copyrighted © review originally appeared in School Library Journal and appears here with permission.

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September 1, 1996

"McMillan adds another winner to his list of clever; math concept books with this introduction to coin values and simple addition... It is the combination of design, attention to detail, and gorgeous photographs that makes the book stand out."

The Bulletin of the Center
for Children's Books
October, 1996

"No fussy old lemonade stands for these young entrepreneurs... The math is clearly and consistently presented, and several coin combinations for various amounts are demonstrated."

Houghton Mifflin Education Place
TeacherView by Corinne Levine
with teacher activities
Grades taught: K-1
Stony Point Elementary School
Stony Point, New York USA

"Jelly Beans for Sale is a book of photographs (as are all of Bruce McMillan's books). Children are buying jelly beans and exchanging money. Children have to actively participate while you are showing the book to them. There is an extra bonus! In the back of the book there is an address where teachers can send for gourmet jelly beans and a jelly bean kit including a video for their classes."

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