May 13-14, 2004
Swans in the City
Boston, MA and Reykjavík, Ísland
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All photos © 2004 by Bruce McMillan
A Swan Photo-essay
Boston Public Gardens
Downtown Boston MA
May 13, 2004
Home of the Swan Boats
Lake Tjörnin
Downtown Reykjavík, Ísland
May 14, 2004
The Lake by City Hall
The swans in Iceland
even show up in the art,

or is that a goose
in Gunnella's painting?

Hey, you won't find eider ducks in Boston's Public Gardens

but you will in downtown Reykjavík at Lake Tjörnin.

What kind of camera did I use to take these photos?
A simple easy-to-use point and shoot digital camera.

Click to see camera details...
Canon S500
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