Bruce McMillan / Children's Book Author / Iceland / Puffins
Bruce McMillan is a childrens' book author and photo-illustrator of more than forty children's including five photo-illustrated in Iceland, who does Author visits to hundreds of schools and teaches a university course in children's books at the University of New Hampshire. The titles and ISBNs of his books are:
0-618-04878-2 Days of the Ducklings
0-7614-5039-4 Gletta the Foal
0-395-84544-0 Salmon Summer
0-395-84545-9 Wild Flamingos
0-590-97205-7 My Horse of the North
0-8027-8617-0 The Picture that Mom Drew (Mallat & McMillan)
0-590-86584-6 Jelly Beans for Sale
1-56402-633-7 Grandfather's Trolley
0-395-66561-2 Summer Ice
0-15-200362-2 (hardcover) 0-15-202443-3 softcover) Puffins Climb Penguins Rhyme
0-395-70810-9 (hardcover) 0-395-85693-0 (softcover) Nights of the Pufflings
0-590-47904-0 Sense Suspense A Guessing Game for the Five Senses
0-395-66560-4 Penguins at Home Gentoos of Antarctica
0-395-64050-4 A Beach for the Birds
0-8234-1008-0 (hardcover) 0-8234-1132-X (softcover) Mouse Views What the Class Pet Saw
0-590-45768-3 Going on a Whale Watch
0-8234-0946-5 Beach Ball Left Right
0-590-44634-7 The Baby Zoo
0-590-44635-5 Eating Fractions
0-8234-0894-9 Play Day A Book of Terse Verse
1 0-374-48266-7 The Weather Sky
0-590-43767-4 One Two One Pair !
0-590-43774-7 Mary Had a Little Lamb
0-8234-0951-1 One Sun A Book of Terse Verse
0-590-44643-6 (hardcover) 0-688-08855-4 (Scholastic Book Club) Time To ...
0-517-88098-9 Everything Grows (Raffi / McMillan)
0-688-08098-7 Super Super Superwords
0-688-08099-5, 0-688-07842-7 Fire Engine Shapes
0-688-07843-5, 0-688-07844-3, 0-688-13112-3 Growing Colors
0-688-07845-1, 0-688-07100-7 Dry or Wet ?
0-688-07101-5, 0-688-07233-X Step by Step
0-688-07234-8, 0-688-06282-2 Becca Backward Becca Frontward
0-688-06283-0, 0-688-02859-4, 0-688-14027-0 (softcover) Counting Wildflowers
0-688-02860-8, 0-688-02668-0, Kitten Can ...
0-688-02669-9, 0-688-02000-3 Here a Chick There a Chick, 0-688-02001-1
0-934313-01-6 Ghost Doll
0-395-32082-8, 0-395-32076-3 Puniddles
0-395-29161-5 Making Sneakers
0-395-27806-6 Apples How They Grow
0-395-27486-0, 0-934313-00-8 The Remarkable Riderless Runaway Tricycle
0-688-80112-9 The Alphabet Symphony
0-934313-00-8, 0-397-31763-8 Finestkind o’ Day Lobstering in Maine, 0-89272-185-5 Downeast
Many are available from Apple Island Books, PO Box 190, Shapleigh, ME 04076 or by emailling to . The old email was