
To the Kathdin Awards

You are at the Library Reception

Springvale (Maine) Public Library
April 24, 2007
The Springvale Public Library
Katahdin Award Reception
To Honor Bruce McMillan

photo by Dawn Brown
On Tuesday afternoon, April 24, 2007 the Springvale Public Library hosted a reception in honor of Bruce McMillan and the 2006 Katahdin Award with the press present.

Photo (top to bottom):
> Original art on the wall from Bruce's book Grandfather's Trolley, one of nine originals the library owns
> Some of Bruce's books on display
> The Award bookends hold Bruce's first book, Finestkind o' Day
> The Fudge Katahdin Mountain
by Kathy Mallat and
Brenda Ferguson and Family
Springvale Public Librarians Then (left to right)
Joanne Vermette, former children's librarian
Bruce McMillan
Marlene Parent, former head librarian
The Kiss
Joanne Vermette and Marlene Parent delight and embarass Bruce
photo by Dawn Brown
Springvale Public Librarians Now (left to right)
Sheila Dube, children's librarian
Bruce McMillan
Karen Eger, head librarian
Karen and Sheila Open Bruce's Gift
with Laughs to Follow
Shelia Holds the Library's Gift for Bruce
Bruce Holds his Gift for the Library
Unknown to each other both gifts were similar in style and content
and both had a group photo of the September 2006 library
presention from Bruce and Friðrik (Going Fishing) from Iceland.
Click to see the Iceland Visit Gift close-up
Kathy Mallat, Children's Book Author, and Bruce
Bruce and Kathy's book, The Picture that Mom Drew,
is between the Katahdin bookends.
That book featured Kathy's daughters and Bruce's book,
Eating Fractions, also featured her oldest daughter,
and was how they first met.
Bruce shared the galleys from his forthcoming book, How the Ladies Stopped the Wind, illustrated by Iceland's Gunnella.

Library Board President, Bob Riding, takes a photo of Marlene Parent and Sheila English as they read the forthcoming book.

"It was a wonderful gathering and a delight to see all of our librarians from the past and present to share this award with."
In the backgound on the left is the
Official Bruce McMillan Corner of the childrens' room
which was dedicated in October of 2001 when the new library opened.
See the Corner October Gathering
On the wall you can also see six of the nine
works of original art from Grandfather's Trolley.
Three of McMillan's Books

Photo by Drew McMullin
© Journal Tribune

Bruce was interviewed at the reception by the Journal Tribune.

Journal Tribune
April 25, 2007, page 1
© Journal Tribune and appears here courtesy of the the newspaper

A lifetime of children's literature
McMillan receives Katahdin award
By Tammy Wells, Staff Writer
Photos by Drew McMullin
SANFORD - Kittens, fire engines, going fishing, chickens and Icelandic ladies. Puffins, wildflowers, a salmon supper.

Think kids. Think kid's books. Think 44 of them.

Think Bruce McMillan.

The Shapleigh resident and prolific children's book author was recognized by those at Springvale Public Library on Tuesday, celebrating McMillan's choice by the Maine Library Association as their Katahdin award winner for 2006.

The Katahdin is a lifetime achievement award given annually by the Youth Services Section Interest Group of the MLA and recognizes what it describes as an outstanding body of children's literature in the state, by one author or illustrator.

McMillan was raised in Kennebunk, lives in nearby Shapleigh and spends time as often as he can in Iceland, where he has penned a number of his works. He has authored 44 books aimed at young people.

A photographer as well as a writer, much of McMillan's work features his own photos, including those of young people from the area. Two of his later works set in Iceland, The Problem with Chickens, and the soon-to-be-published How the Ladies Stopped the Wind, are illustrated by Icelandic artist Gunnella.

McMillan was first honored with the Katahdin Award by the Maine Library Association earlier this month. But on Tuesday, Springvale Public Library put on a reception to honor the author, whose works figure largely in the library's children's room.

"Today is to say, 'Good job, Bruce,'" said SPL's children's librarian Sheila Dube.

McMillan was a little late for the reception – a call from his Icelandic publisher had to be taken, but he brought along galley proofs of How the Ladies Stopped the Wind to give the SPL folks a sneak pre-view.

He also brought along the Katahdin Award, a 27-pound set of stone book ends in the shape of Mount Katahdin and a block of chocolatey fudge, also in the shape of Maine's most famous mountain, given to him by Lebanon children's book author Kathy Mallat.

McMillan has been publishing children's literature since 1977. A 1984 work, Kitten Can..., the adventures of a young feline exploring his environment, was named at the suggestion of a former Springvale librarian. McMillan had come into the library and was discussing the book with then-librarian Edwina Hewey, who suggested the title.

It worked.

As to the Katahdin, McMillan is among eight recipients of the award, which is given annually. The first was awarded in 1999, to Robert McCloskey of Make Way for Ducklings fame.

"It's a treat to be in their company," said McMillan.

- Tammy Wells may be reached at 324-4444 or by e-mail: twells@gwi.net.
Photos (unless noted) by Betty Lorber

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