January 16, 2004 Flat Buzzy takes a ride on my tricycle when the temperature is a cool 4 degrees Fahrenheit (-15 degrees Celsius). Back to the News |
Who is that on Bruce's Remarkable Tricycle? Look close. It's Flat Buzzy. |
The former head librarian of my local Springvale Public Library, Marlene Parent, received this letter and Flat Buzzy from her grandson, a third-grade student at Sembach Elementary School, in Sembach, Germany. So she brought him up for a tricycle ride. October 14, 2003 Dear Friend or Relative, Our class read a funny book called Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. The book is about a young boy named Stanley who is accidentally squished "as flat as a pancake" when a bulletin board falls on him. The story goes on to tell how Stanley discovers some real advantages to being flat. His parents fold him up and mail him to California for an exciting vacation. I am mailing Flat Buzzy, our class mascot, to you. Please take him somewhere and write back telling me where he went. If you have pictures, postcards, maps, or other goodies, please send them to the address below. Then send this letter and Flat Buzzy to someone you know. Be creative! The returned items will be on display at school for all of us to enjoy. Thank you for helping us with this important project. We can't wait to track Buzzy on his wonderful adventures. If you receive Flat Buzzy in April, please send him back. Please sign the back of this paper so we know where Buzzy went. Sincerely, Jesse Benavides Mrs. Gumm's Class |
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