October 8-18, 2003
The Seasonal Change
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This is my office.
While I work inside on the next books,
the leaves are working their magic outside.

Sumac changing.

Sumac changed.

Highbush wild blueberry leaves.

Sumac changed.

The sumac view from inside my porch.

The sumac view in my yard.
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Maple and Poplar leaf magic.

More than a dozen wild turkeys ambled by...

...while I worked in my office on the next books,
Going Fishing, My First Art Gallery, The Problem with Chickens,
and Inside the Wind.

At day's end it's always nice to walk behind my home
and enjoy the view of New Hampshire's White Mountains.
What kind of camera did I use to take these photos?
A simple easy-to-use point and shoot digital camera.

Click to see camera details...
Canon S400
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