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August 2004
New Statue at Skálholt
Bishop Brúsi
The Bishop who named all of the milk cans in Ísland, the brúsi, has been honored with a statue made of fiberglass. It is located next to the church where he was a bishop at Skálholt, Ísland. It is said that Bishop Brúsi liked the looks of all milk containers and always called them by his own name, the name that has been used since then for the milk container, the brúsi.
From the Icelandic Dictionary: n. (k.) flask; canteen; can; container
The original brúsi of Bishop Brúsi
is currently being restored
for display at Skálholt
The USA brúsi in Dartmouth, MA
is also currently being restored.
Click on photo to see more about this.
Read about Skálholt Ísland Read more about Skálholt Ísland
This new lifelike fiberglass statue of Bishop Brúsi complements the one already at Skálholt of Bishop Brúsi, and of all three of the famous bishops of Skálholt, Ísland.
Note: Not to be confused with Bishop Thaddeus Amat y Brusi, the Bishop of Monterey-Los Angles. Bishop Thaddeus Amat y Brusi
Note: Not to be confused with Brusi Sigurdsson, the Earl of Orkney, 987-1031 AD Brusi Sigurdsson
Statue photos by Gunnella
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