March 7, 2004
A Walk in the Backyard
by Bruce McMillan

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When I go for a walk
I see beyond the birch trees
because I see the plants on them.

From Beginning to End to Beginning to End to...
I see Iceland in the lichen on the birch bark trunk.
(Satellite photo of Iceland February 5, 2004 - be patient to let it load).

I see skeletons of plants in pond ice
that have fulfilled their purpose
and will be living on.
They have spread their seeds.

I see foot-thick ice
over water that is flowing with life below.

I see art in nature, where shapes of interest abound.

I see birch leaves woven in pond ice.
I see a textured layer of ice
painted with colors and bathed in soft light.

I see a vernal pond at rest, an oasis in the woods.

I see a world around me from
the nearby mountains of New Hampshire
to far away Iceland,
seen with my eyes and heart.

This background is of birchbark found on the walk.

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What kind of camera did I use to take these photos?
A simple easy-to-use point and shoot digital camera.

Click to see camera details...
Canon S400
© 2004 Bruce McMillan