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Listen to the
Icelandic Nathional Anthem
How to type Icelandic characters Hint: Choose "open/play" and not "save-to-disk" if asked.
I'm often asked why I like Iceland so much; why I return again and again. I love the beauty of this deceptively barren land and the wildlife. It's a photographer's dream. But I've been to many beautiful places. People make the difference. I think one returns to the places where you've made friends. I have. I treasure my Icelandic friends. I like and admire the Icelandic people who don't just survive but thrive in the North Atlantic. I accept them as they are, as they do me.
Jump Down To: Where are you? Newspapers & Weather
Language My BookAdventures Tour Books & Reading
Tourist Board
Getting There
Music Movie
Travel Around Iceland Get a Sweater
or a Puffin Figure
Galleries & Art Museums
Pages of Links Recipes Send Icelandic Postcards
For the Birds
Visit the Nights of the Pufflings Library on Vestmannaeyjar
I've photographed six books in these areas.

Where in the world is Iceland?

Get free maps similar to the one above of Iceland
Order most any kind of map at the Map Shop in Iceland
The horse country in the North, Skagafjörður:
My Horse of the North and
Gletta the Foal

Islands along the West Coast in Breiðafjörður
Days of the Ducklings
Going Fishing

Islands off the South Coast, Vestmannaeyjar
Nights of the Pufflings and
Puffins Climb, Penguins Rhyme
Glaciers (white) only cover this much of Iceland ->

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The World Factbook
All About Iceland ~ The Latest Facts
Easy to Read Information
So how do I pronounce words with these funny Icelandic letters?
á é í ð ý ó ú þ æ ö Á É Í Ð Ý Ó Ú Þ Æ Ö
How can I type these characters on my keyboard?

What are some basic phrases in Icelandic...
including Bruce's favorites?

I want to listen to someone speak the language on the radio.
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Click for a wonderful moving 360 degree panorama
from atop the new volcano in Vestmannaeyjar

This is my latest tour group on a walk up the new lava.
I led four Puffin Tours to Iceland from 1997-2000 with Book Adventures and Dr. Mary Lou White. If demand warranted it, I might consider leading another tour. Email Mary Lou White.

And if it looks placid today, check out what it looked like when what we are standing on was an eruption in 1973 in Pete Turner's photos. Click here. He matches his photos of the 1973 eruption with his matching shots taken in 1996.
The eruption increased the size of the island by one fifth.
The island above is Heimaey (translation means home island) and this is the home island for the collection of Westmann Islands, or as they call them in Icelandic, Vestmannaeyjar. One day I caught myself awe struck as I watched a sculptor working on a stone much larger than himself. The size wasn't what was so amazing. No, I was struck by the fact that the stone he was sculpting was younger than he was. It was a product of the eruption.
Visit my friend's guesthouse, Ruth Barbara Zohlen, on Vestmannaeyjar and see some photos of the island.
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News? In English? The Daily News from Iceland

But I'm curious to see the paper in Icelandic

Morgunblaðið, "The New York Times" of Iceland

Visir, also called DV, the competition

Frettir, the weekly paper of Vestmannaeyjar

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Island's weather

In the newspaper

Or from the Icelandic National Meteorological Office

22 C = 72 F
16.5 C = 62 F
11 C = 52 F
5.5 C = 42 F
0 C = 32 F
-5 C = 22 F
-11 C = 12 F
-16.5 C = 02 F
The Stórhöfði report is from the lighthouse on Vestmannaeyjar. This is where I photographed many puffin photos for my books. The lighthouse keeper files the weather reports. He also bands puffins. He has banded more that any person in the world. (See my puffin page)
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Welcome to Iceland with the Icelandic Tourist Board. I like them, especially Einar Gustavsson, the Director of the New York office who first got me to Iceland, thus starting my children's book photographing adventures up there.

Stop by the Icelandic Embassy in Washington with all of their nifty links.
I took this photo and loved the misty walk all around the waterfall. It's huge!

Seljalandsfoss - Southern Iceland

Farmlands and Magnificent Waterfalls
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Are you really going? You'll have to get there by Icelandair. They're it. But they offer a neat travel deal. You can go to Europe and stop over in Iceland at no extra cost, sort of like two vacations in one. I went to Scotland this way in 1998, and stopped in Iceland on my European speaking tour in 2001. They also offer off-season three-day getaway packages including air/hotel/breakfasts for a little over $300. Icelandair specials.

Read all about Iceland at Icelandair's links page, icelandtotla.com.

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Want to listen to Icelandic radio's live broadcasts on your computer? You can even hear the language spoken.
Chose from classical or pop at Ríkisútvarpið RUV

The Icelandic National Broadcasting Service

Visit the official Björk site?

Or even the ultimate Björk web ring?

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Hungry? Well, get cooking.

Potatoes Dimon Bruce
or as we call it in Iceland
Dímon Kartölfur Bruce

Joe's Icelandic Recipe Book

For bakery items there's the Icelandic National League of North America Recipes

European Cuisine's Icelandic Recipes

When in Iceland I always eat skyr, a smooth sweet yogurt type of pudding sauce that you can't get anywhere else. Skyr is so good it even has it's own web site.

How about Mjólkursoðinn lundi which translates to puffin in milk sauce?

Icelandic lamb, and all lambs are free range in Iceland, is delicious, as well as the tiny Icelandic lobster. The fresh cod and monkfish are so tasty. I've also tried and eaten, sheep's head (they serve the entire head), puffin, and whale. The skyr is really good.

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Something Fishy?
Since fishing is the major part if Iceland's economy, you can find anything you want to know about fish and fishing, and find links too, at Iceland's Marine Research Institute.

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Out for a stroll in the North of Iceland

Read about the deserts in Iceland. (neat page)

Want to go malling? Visit Iceland's newest and largest shopping mall, Smáralind, that opened on 10/10/2001 at 10:10 a.m. Iceland time. Get it? The mall opened at 10 10 on 10 10. This is Iceland's second major mall.

A book to read? (Hike on down to my bookstore for any of my books.)

Visit Edda/Mál og menning, the major publisher and "Borders" of Iceland

The University of Iceland Bookstore

Books on Iceland

More books on Iceland

Read about Iceland's children's book authors.
When you get there use the index list on the left

How about a magazine?
Iceland Review is published four times a year. It's $29.50 USD per year. For a subscription in the US send your request and money to:
Iceland Review Subscription
Sudurlandsbraut 12,
108 Reykjavík

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How about a movie? Here's a great one. Cold Fever.

Don't believe me? Read Roger Ebert's three-star review.

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A painting to see or sculpture to view?

The National Gallery of Art's children's pages

The National Gallery of Art's everyone pages

Gallerí Fold (nice gallery where I've purchased art)

The Reykjavík Art Museum

List Gallerí

Listasafn ASÍ Art Museum in Reykjavík

gallerí@hlemmur.is (it's their name, not just an email address)

The University of Iceland Art Museum

The Akureyri School of Visual Arts

Gallerí Slunkariki in Isafjordur, West Iceland (funky home page but don't let it fool you)

The Einar Jónsson Museum (sculpture)

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The canyon in the north desert below the majestic and powerful waterfall, Dettifoss
Here's the place for page listing of Icelandic links

Iceland on the Web links

Iceland Review's Gateway to Iceland links

The Meeting Place for Icelandic & Western-Icelandic connections (or more links than you can imagine - wow).

David' Page of Links ~ If you can find it here, it doesn't exist.

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Want to get an Icelandic sweater
or a puffin figure?

Click on puffins to see how they are made.

Click on Photo above to go to the Gallerí Heimalist

The sweaters are reasonably priced (I own five) and they mail them directly from Iceland. Since the sweaters are handknit, each one is unique. I have two sources to email an inquiry. The first is for sweaters made by the knitters on Vestmannaeyjar, the island where I photographed Nights of the Pufflings.

Gallerí Heimalist
Bárustigur 9
900 Vestmannaeyjar
email an inquiry to Gallerí Heimalist

The Handknitting Association of Iceland
Skólavörðustígur 19
101 Reykjavík
email an inquiry to The Handknitting Assn. of Iceland
Phone: 011-354-552 1890
Fax: 011354-552 1912

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Want to travel around Iceland?
What's on in Iceland?

Visit a fishing museum in the north. I've been here. It's neat.

Take the ferry at Stykkishólmur. I saw my all-time-favorite bumper sticker in Stykkishólmur. It simply read: New York, London, Paris, Stykkishólmur.

The warm lake in the north, Lake Mývatn. The geothermal heat means wildlife stays here year-round.

The islands off the south coast, Vestmannaeyjar where I photographed Nights of the Pufflings.

Virtually virtual Iceland

The Islandia Welcome Guide to Iceland
That's steam from the earth
and it's harnessed beautifully
for power in the north by the Viti Crater

Don't you love the color of the lake?
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Send a Postcard from Morgunblaðið's Archives,
the largest newspaper in Iceland. Selections include puffins and even ducklings with Drífa
, the star of Days of the Ducklings.

Send a Postcard from Iceland
Pages and pages of postcards to choose from.

Or send one from The Colors of Iceland

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Put a stamp on that electronic postcard?

Here are the birds of Iceland on stamps

And here are some more
birds of Iceland on stamps.

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Icelanders are everywhere. Even in California with The Icelandic Association of Northern California

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