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Bruce og Óli's Camping Trip Journal
13-15 Ágúst 2004, Iceland
By Bruce McMillan
Friday evening Saturday morning
Saturday afternoon Saturday evening
Sunday morning Sunday evening
Saturday morning, 14 Ágúst

Morning camp.
We awoke to blazing hot sunshine and no wind. This is Iceland? After relaxing and dozing a bit, we put out breakfast. It was a sampler of goodies. Traditional cold homemade pancakes that Óli's aunt Veiga had sent, and put such treats on them as brie cheese, sliced smoked lamb, or raspberry jam. We also had kleinur (Icelandic crullers) and peeled slices of Granny Smith apple, all with Earl Grey tea.

The camp landscape.
The sun was rising higher in the sky and Óli said not for the first time, "Oh, it's so hot." This is Iceland? I started this journal using my IBM laptop, and am writing from inside the tent. After a couple of cell phone calls, Óli's wife Bína knew we were not lost, and I knew that Siggi and Erla had the Going Fishing proofs in Stykkishólmur. By 11:30 it was time to break camp and head farther up into the highlands by the waterfalls and to the lakes. Óli's father was going fishing and most likely we will run into him. Meanwhile, not a person in sight anywhere and we can see great distances because there are no trees. This is camping. Yes, and more cell phone calls. I get a call from Brett in the US, who said with some surprise, "You're camping?" Then I called my friend Mark in the US to see how his brother fared in the Florida hurricane. Cell phones while camping? I am becoming an Icelander.

Óli, the dish dryer.

The colors of the hills behind camp.

The view looking down from the camp-side hill.

Óli's father, brother-in-law, and Óli
Óli gets a call from his father and brother-in-law, who are on their way to go fishing. They stop by to see our spot and have a picnic. There is always time for a few more snapshots. Finally we pack up and are on our way. Of course if Bína, Óli's wife, were with us we'd have left hours ago.

Bruce on the hill.
To Saturday afternoon
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